
Case Studies

The following are just a few examples of people New Zealand Mortgage Solutions have helped in the past. We have kept in contact with our clients and continue to assist them now and in the future.

September 2024

This is the second time we have enlisted Mary to fulfil the task of purchasing a property in NZ from overseas.

Mary works tirelessly and extremely thoroughly to make this happen as seamlessly as possible.

Mary's attention to detail and feedback is without fail in the mortgage arena, and if you require the service she can provide to secure a loan for a NZ property purchase then we could truly recommend her so much.

Her ability to take all the hard work out of a rather complex issue is to be commended.

Mary is a person that is unique in the mortgage services in that she treats her clients like one of the family and we wish her all the best.

Stacy, Tristan & H.

May 2023

Darryl and Claudia moved into their Brand New House in Oamaru after quite a few years residing in Australia. This is their first ever Brand New House and they love it in many ways. It is very close to their family plus Claudia's work (teacher). It took many months to complete construction but was well worthwhile. See their photos and an extremely nice card from them to Mary.

May 2023

Nicole and Mike (Mary's longstanding New Zealand clients) settled a brand new Investment Christchurch Townhouse which was signed up and commenced construction November 2021. Since then Mary has been updating their bank every 3 months. Finally (with many delays) the townhouse gets completed 18 months later. Mike and Nicole were both relieved and extremely happy dropping Mary in a bottle of wine!! See their "Thank You" card

August 2022

Andrew and Devon Canadians purchase a Tauranga house to reside "beach, palm trees, rolling hills!!!". They absolutely love New Zealand . Andrew an IT Computer Programmer and Devon a Registered Nurse moved to NZ 2018 travelling NZ and finally decided to reside in Tauranga. Devon's hospital work colleague Doctor (Mary's Client") referred Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions to them. They had no idea of the process of purchasing NZ property and also the fact that Andrew earns Canadian Dollars from Canadian employer. Mary obtained a preapproval on bank letterhead and they househunted, learning so much about NZ houses. At long last they found a lovely house in Papamoa just a 5 minute walk to beach. Mary will visit them on Christmas holidays. Fantastic to see such a lovely couple who have been together 15 years settle in sunny warm Tauranga.

Dear Mary,

Now that the dust is settling we are sometimes having to pinch ourselves to make sure we’re not dreaming. Beach, palm trees, rolling hills...

Thank you so very much for all your efforts, guidance and attention to detail. Your expertise in working through the challenges of foreign sourced Canadian and local New Zealand income and holdings was impressive. We especially appreciated your availability – always just a phone call away no matter how small a question.

Your insights into the New Zealand housing market and your up-to-the-moment knowledge of what the banks are doing all came together to give us a great foot forward.

I’ve enclosed a photo of our new home taken on an impeccably sunny day, so please don’t mind the squinting. Coming from Canada, we struggle to believe days like this are winter.


Andrew and Devon

March 2022

Jen and Hugh (an Australian married to a Kiwi) move from Tasmania to Feilding New Zealand where Hugh's family reside with employment immediately for Hugh as a Linesman. Jen contacts Mary and advises they have sold their Tasmanian property awaiting settlement so require a preapproval and most of all a property very quickly. They go through COVID quarantine, move to Feilding but because of shortage of any accommodation in Feilding they get moved from motel to motel and are desperate for the right property. Mary obtains preapproal from NZ bank and gets a very very quick preapproval giving them accessability to seriously put in offers for property. They fall in love iwth a house with large section for their kids and Mary obtains approval for property in 24 hours. Over 2 weeks the market fall and they had a huge reduction in a property (did not sell at auction) so vendors desperate. Nearly every day Jen and Mary spoke on updates monitoring each other!!. Mary loved dealing with Jen and Hugh. On settlement everyone celebrated and a lovely email was sent via Mary to ANZ Assessor and one lovely email to Mary below. We will always keep in touch and visit each other.

December 2021

Existing Kiwi Clients of Mary's (Mark and Agi) residing in Sydney purchase their "off the plan" absolutely beautiful Queenstown new property. Lovely to assist them for the 2nd time in many years with a New Zealand mortgage. We began the purchase off the plan and loan process during lockdown in August 2019 and the house was completed in December 2021 (16 months). Mary visted their construction site taking photoes for them Christmas 2019. A long span of working together with Mary, the Bank, the Builder (with shortage of materials scenario) and of course the COVID reflection on this timespan. Absolutely happy clients settling 23 December for Christmas!!! We all celebrated (the bank, the clients and Mary). Now they can freely come to holiday in their beautiful clifftop lake view mansion without any restriction from Sydney. This is their future!!!

October 2021

Urgent Break and Refix Interest Rate for Chris and Ian residing in Remote Queensland. Their fixed rate was not due until July 2022, so Mary contacted them to say that with many rate increases now that next year it maybe double what they are paying now , so obtained rate and they refixed for 3 years. Very happy we talked and decided on this. Surprise courier of Moet Champagne and delicious various chocolates. Very kind words from them.

October 2021

Urgent Break and Refix Interest Rate for Paula and Alex residing in London for their Wellington property Unbeknown to Paula and Alex Mary, phoned and emailed them to advise how fixed rates were rockbottom but were suddenly increasing so fast (fastest 6 month increase in history).Their rates were not due for refix until 2022, but they agreed for Mary to obtain rates immediately and break the existing fixed rate. They were so happy with their rate and peace of mind for fixing for 3 years that they sent Mary this lovely hamper gift with a lovely note inside. Great to assist clients overseas who are not always aware of New Zealand events that may affect them.

Dear Mary, Apologies for not replying to this lovely email earlier.

So pleased that the wee thank you gift arrived safe and sound. We really can’t thank you enough for alerting to us the changing situation in NZ and acting so quickly for us. We have been looking at the interest rise and thanking our lucky

stars we have such an astute financial advisor.

Wishing you a relaxing holiday season ahead and stay safe.

Warm wishes from London, Paula and Alex



October 2021

Nick and Nicky (Kiwis residing in Australia purchasing Tauranga house) Great appreciation with a "delicious" hamper plus their card which explains everything.

October 2021

Urgent Break Rate and Refix Time. Many of Mary's Clients Were Fixed With Low Rates Up Until December Next Year In 2022. Suddenly in September rates increased so fast that Mary phoned and emailed a huge number of clients residing in New Zealand and overseas sending them the top NZ Economist Weekly Newsletter with rate predictions and his recommendation plus ANZ news also outlining forecast of fixed rates, plus her mortgage repayment calculator for clients to calculate perhaps extra repayments on their fixed rate term when refixing at a low rate. They all were appreciative and extremely urgently Mary contacted their bank and within 48 hours they broke their rates and refixed immediatelySince then rates have increased average 2% across the board (as of December this has been the fastest 6 month increase in history according to the banks). Most clients did not pay a Break Fee caues their rates were lower, but peace of mind for nearly all of theh taking 3 years fixed.

Here are a few comments from clients when they reifxed. Glad we did not wait until 2022!!!

A Big thanks for chasing me to refix!!!


Hi Mary,

Thanks again for your speedy work. We were just talking about how fast they have moved since then.

Thanks for your prompt help and patience

Phew 😅 



Thanks Mary for the diligence.

Brett and Gem

So so lucky to have all my mortgages all fixed whilst everything is sky rocketing !! Thanks for your amazing service. I'm so lucky to have you as my financial guru !!


Thanks for sorting the refix so promptly

Thank you so much for thinking of this, it is not an option I would have considered or asked for this.

Alastair and Elizabeth

That's great, thank you for letting me know all is in order.  At least we do not need to worry about it for 3 years.


April 2021

Stuart and Megan (ex Pat Kiwis from Dunedin and Christchurch) residing in Melbourne since 1998 purchase a great Dunedin house close to family before the new Government Lending Law. Excited to travel and visit Family and Daughter in July. Great bargain. A Very Speedy "Deadline" Purchase and great interest rate!! See comments below.

January 2021

Lucy in Auckland at long last wins at auction a great central Auckland home. Lucy purchased a South Island investment property in 2017 and Mary obtained a mortgage for her. In 2020 Lucy had seen that property's value increase plus the bank's loan to valuation ratio (LVR) was good in November. To enable her to get into the Auckland market Mary topped up the South Island loan as a deposit for her lovely Auckland house to live in. 1 week after deposit drawdown the NZ banks changed their policy lowering the LVR to 70% then 60%!! In November she had the deposit and in January she settled a lovely house (Mary obtained the Auckland house mortgage from a different bank). Lucy house hunted over 2 to 3 months bidding at auctions. It is a lovely house and garden handy for friends and work. She is extremely happy and relieved!! 

‘Having lived all over the world I am now delighted to be settled back in New Zealand. Mary has helped me buy both my home in Auckland and an investment property in Queenstown. Mary took a lot of time to understand my specific requirements and worked with me to make both purchases possible. Thank you so much!’

Let me know if you need more and thanks again for all your help!!


December 2020

Andrew and Vanessa (clients for 8 years). Since mid-2019 during a buoyant Christchurch "new home" market Andrew and Vanessa have been looking at construction/new homes. They have missed out on purchases several times, but at last, in October 2020 they find their new house. A Christmas rush for the builder but after 19 months they move in!!! They sent Mary a beautiful/delicious Christmas Hamper (good timing with Moet Chandon and chocolates for Christmas)!! Very Happy for Andrew and Vanessa.

December 2020

Nicole and Mike have been longstanding clients for many years. This year they purchased a brand new investment property. After waiting many months for completion they suddenly had not only a short settlement deadline but a new tenant moving in the day after settlement!! Speedy action and good co-operation from the bank to Mary reflected in settlement!! Great Champagne present to Mary. See their happy note!!

We’ve used Mary’s mortgage broker services multiple times now and wouldn’t hesitate to lean on her expertise for the next property we look for.

The last investment property had a very tight deadline between build completion, final settlement new tenant moving in…………in fact only one day between settlement and new tenant moving in!!!

We wouldn’t have  able to stitch it all together within the necessary timeline if it wasn’t for Mary’s relationships with the banks and clear communication to get things done!  Thanks again!

December 2020

Courtney and Liam Dunedin. Since Mary assisted Liam with a mortgage for a Dunedin property 3 years ago when he first arrived in Dunedin from Australia, he has met Courtney. They were very keen to purchase a modern home just after the Level 4 Lockdown. After Mary obtained bank preapproval they knew their price range and saw many properties (each time Mary obtaining bank approval of the property). It was well worth waiting for the right modern 3 bedroom home they found. Glad Mary made the "whole process very stress free"!!! - see their comments below

Our experience with house hunting:

We started searching just after the level 4 lockdown and took awhile to find exactly what we were after. Once we decided on what we were looking for, Mary helped us with figuring out a price range we could afford to go for. We found a few places that we wanted to go for, and Mary was very quick working with the bank to suss our finances so that we could make offers. There was a very high demand in the price range we were looking at and we often missed out as they were going for well above the expected sale price. Finally, we found a modern, 3 bedroom home which we fell in love with and managed to secure. Mary made the whole process very stress free and her ability to discuss our situation with the bank quickly was extremely helpful. 

I’ll attach a photo too 🙂

Thank you for everything,
Courtney & Liam

August 2020

Alex (Australian) and Jess (Kiwi from Christchurch) residing in Western Australia contacted Mary when they found a great Christchurch property but only have 5 days until auction!! It was a rush, but great teamwork between clients, the New Zealand bank , Solicitor and Mary. Also quite challenging over Auckland COVID lockdown. Worthwhile Mary working on this deal over the weekend as they won at auction!! See their great house and nice words below!!

After deciding that my partner Jess wanted to move back to NZ we thought we better find a house to move into once we are ready to make the Journey. We found our perfect family house and contacted Mary about securing finance. From the get go, Mary was nothing short of amazing. She managed to secure finance for an Auction with only a few days notice, working tirelessly over the weekend to ensure we had the finance come Auction day. Being an Australian trying to secure finance in NZ during Covid was a difficult task, yet Mary managed to make the whole process a breeze. I highly recommend the team at NZ mortgage solutions if you are an Australian looking for finance in NZ

Thank you all Again!
Alex + Jess

May 2020

COVID 19 Assistance Thank You From Gill from UK assisting her with her Queenstown mortgage to revert to “Interest Only COIVID repayments” for 6 months cause of no tourists or occupancy. A lovely surprise to receive these beautiful flowers

March 2020

Sarah, a Kiwi Professional residing in Sydney, settles an Auckland suburban unit after 2 years of signing up for it. Over 2 years Sarah and Mary kept the bank up to date with all personal and property information. 13 months delay for settlement. Settled the week before COVID 19 lockdown!!! Sarah is very happy now and will visit Mary when she is allowed to travel to Auckland again.

Thank you again for all your help, it has been truly great to work with you and I’ll be sure to recommend your great services anytime!

I’ll endeavour to catch up with you sometime in Auckland, to say a big thank you in person, when I am allowed back in the country!

February 2020

Marc and Gina from Sydney have visited Queenstown numerous times and dreamt about a lifestyle/investment property. For 9 months from financial preapproval by Mary with an NZ bank, they went through numerous Queenstown properties and at long last settled an amazing solid quality house with beautiful lake and mountain views. Gina is an Interior Designer and really loved looking at redesigning this beautiful home. On settlement, they gave Mary this amazing Kiwi hamper and look forward to flying to Auckland to see Mary. Mary, Marc and Gina are now great friends. See marvellous photos of Marc and Gina at their Queenstown dream property

Dec 2019

Darren (Australian Pilot) and Kat (a Kiwi) residing on the Queensland Sunshine Coast, purchase a beautiful home at Lake Hayes Queenstown where they have travelled numerous times with their two kids. It was a dream come true and now have the best of 2 worlds for lifestyle!!

“After doing a fair amount of travel and holidays throughout New Zealand over the years, and Kat being a Kiwi, we resolved to purchase an investment property in either Wanaka or Queenstown, to lease and eventually use as a home away from our Sunshine Coast home. We found Mary through the internet and she helped familiarise us with the whole NZ property scene, and it’s differences to the Australian system. The purchase process had to be put on hold because of a difficult study course that I was doing but eventually, we settled on a house in Queenstown. Throughout the process Mary was extremely helpful and professional, being patient with my occasional missteps. She helped find us a NZ solicitor and a great bank loan and gave helpful advice in other aspects of the property search and purchase. Mary made a sometimes otherwise complex process simple and comfortable. Kat and I recommend her highly. ”

December 2019

Mike and Claire (Australians residing in Singapore) visited Queenstown and came across a beautiful 1.3-hectare lakeside lifestyle block with absolutely beautiful mountain and lake views. Mike, Claire and Mary had to act very quickly. Within 24 hours of inquiry clients had their IDs verified by a Public Notary, Mary urgently sent the application to the bank and the bank came back 24 hours later with a conditional approval on bank letterhead. After extensive “sale” negotiations they finally settled their “dream”. See the great testimonial from them. Plus Mary received an absolutely beautiful bouquet of flowers from them with a lovely note. Since settlement, they went to Queenstown to see an architect and we all look forward to construction in 12 months time. See photo of this beautiful property!!!!

November 2019

Sally, an Australian from Sydney regularly visits Queenstown with her family and had a great desire to purchase in Queenstown with a great lake view. After a few weeks of househunting, she finally found a house with amazing lake views and is thrilled with her purchase. A good loan structure and interest rate was obtained and here are happy words from Sally

November 2019

Laura, a British client residing in UK has sold her Napier property after 7 years of ownership and ongoing communications for her mortgage with Mary. Lovely to receive a great email from her in UK (See her purchase story below in April 2012)

September 2019

Jamie (an Australian residing in Singapore) refinancing his Singapore Dollar Denominated Currency Loan to a New Zealand Bank Loan in NZ dollars for his 2 Marlborough houses with an urgent deadline given. This was a very unusual situation with a low-interest foreign currency loan taken out a long time ago (not available today). Singapore lender gave short notice cause of bank policy change. Mary investigated and we ended up obtaining preapproval very quickly with an NZ bank which gave Jamie “peace of mind”. Jamie obtained very good interest rates. His Mum resides in one of the 2 houses and he is very happy. See his comments

September 2019

Jason (from UK residing in Nelson) first home buyer in New Zealand is referred to Mary by an existing client of Mary’s. Obtained a bank preapproval for Jason and after a few weeks found a great house in a lifestyle area. His deposit was from UK and he was hit with the “Brexit” saga with falling UK Pound

Mary referred him to XE Money (no fee either side) and he was able to negotiate a rate after many days of hoping the pound would improve. He sent Mary this really nice “Thanks Ewe Are One In A Million” card saying he was really lucky as there are very few properties for sale and he obtained a bargain after his speedy bank approval of the property. See really great card and comments:

September 2019

Clint and Jude (New Zealanders) who moved back to Auckland with a Company Transfer for Clint in February 2018 after 20 years in Melbourne. Mary obtained finance for their NZ home on the coast. 19 months later Mary obtained a “speedy” finance approval for an investment Auckland property using 30% deposit from their existing equity and 70% finance on the new purchased property. Application to the bank 22 August and settlement 5 September!!!!

Amazing by the bank, solicitor, clients and Mary. Brilliant Teamwork!!! Don’t think that could happen in Oz so quickly with a new purchase!! Auckland Title had their names on it within 5 minutes of settlement by solicitor!!! See their email (until next time)!!

August 2019

Keira (Australian) and Keith (New Zealander) from NSW emails Mary a Big Thank You after selling their Palmerston North units which Mary had organised a mortgage for them in January 2016.

We had always kept in contact with each other and it was really nice to get a big “Thank You” when the sale went through. Looks like they will be back again for a future NZ mortgage through Mary. See their happy email

August 2019

Brendan (New Zealander ) of Sydney has been Mary’s client since 2014 on his Auckland investment house. After advice from his accountant, Mary refinanced him with another bank to obtain an Interest Only option for this Investment as well as excellent fixed and variable interest rates.

Mary was also able to get for Brendan a “bank contribution for solicitor legal fees” refecting in no cost to Brendan for legals.. Now Brendan is regularly transferring excess funds from his rental back to Australia to pay off his family home in Sydney. See his comments:

March 2019

Nancy and Tony of Sydney (New Zealanders) searched for a Dunedin Investment property for 10 months. They flew over to inspect several times, but did not have any luck until March 2019. Dunedin property was selling within minutes of being listed or at auction immediately. At the same time property values were increasing continuously 11.9% annually (September 19).

Mary obtained preapproval for Tony and Nancy in May 2018 and continuously liaised with the bank several times on Dunedin purchases and also updating their bank preapproval. Nancy and Tony visited Mary when they were in Auckland and keep Mary up to date with their regular overseas holiday travel. After some renovations to their Dunedin, they are very happy with their house near the sea and the rental income pays the mortgage. See their property and really nice comments re Mary

November 2018

Ian and Katrina (New Zealander and Australian) after 20 months of searching for a Queenstown Lifestyle Property finally find their beautiful large spacious house in Paradise on a great 2 acre lifestyle block with the mountains in the background.

Mary obtained preapproval for them in May 2017 and they put in offers to purchase various properties over that time. Unfortunately the properties did not go through for various reasons. Mary would continue to update the bank and get approvals over that time. .There was this property which they saw many months previously that came up on the market again at a lower price. They knew this was the property for them and Mary obtained very quick approval from the bank. They settled in November 2018 Today they spend alot of time and enjoyment visiting their property from Brisbane and are so so happy. It was well worthwhile waiting 18 months to settle this beautiful property.

September 2018

Kevin (longstanding UK Non Resident client of Mary’s for 9 years) purchases a large 8 separate residential unit property in Paihia Bay of Islands with a very quick Approval in 2 days and Settlement of 2 weeks.

Read Kevin’s comments re Mary refinancing his NZ properties 9 years ago after a divorce. Then a few years later finance for another NZ investment property. Then in 2018 purchasing the 8 unit complex in Paihia very quickly because of the new Government legislation prohibiting Nonresidents purchase existing NZ properties (except Australians, Kiwis and Singaporeans). Kevin had an existing Paihia house which had to be sold, so Mary obtained short term finance on that property to enable settlement of the Paihia 8 units. Kevin sold Paihia house quickly and celebrated with Mary and his Partner when they visit NZ from UK recently. See his great celebration photo, present of Handmade Guernsey chocolates and great comments:

September 2018

Alex, Lily and little Lucy (First Home Buyers) purchase the Wellington house they have been renting for 4 years from parents who reside in Australia. They have an emotional love for the house and were thrilled when Mary gave them a bank letterhead approval letter. They took advantage as First Home Buyers being able to get their Kiwisaver Superannuation savings and a small Government contribution as part of the deposit (marvellous law in NZ).

Great 4 years ago for Mary help parents with finance to purchase the property and now Alex and Lily are very proud owners.

September 2018

Charlie and Jean

Charlie and Jean move permanently from Perth to Christchurch After 17 Years Residing in Australia. Great reading after purchasing 1 Dunedin Investment property and Christchurch property where they have moved into. Really nice comments from them re obtaining finance for these two properties in 2018. See also comments below this in June 2018. A very eventful year for them.

August 2018

Chris (Kiwi from Wellington) and wife Jordan (Australian) have resided in Sydney for many years. They visit Chris’s parents in Wellington regularly. In February 2018 they approached Mary to obtain a preapproval for them to find a NZ property “that would allow them to enjoy their next phase of life after busy careers in Sydney.”

After many months of househunting, looking at many properties, they finally found a fantastic house close to Paraparraumu Beach with 2 separate houses on a large section of land. See their photo outside the gracious house. They both have a great future to look forward to. See their really nice comments re Mary.

July 2018

Nadia and Tai originally from Tauranga have resided in Sydney for 18 years. Nadia has been working in the Australian finance and banking industry in that time and knows the finance industry in Australia. As their family reside in Tauranga they wish to return in the next few months to reside there permanently.

They received a preapproval from a NZ bank via Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions. Over 4 months they would fly to Tauranga to look at numerous properties. At last they found a great house 1 street from Papamoa Beach. This will be a great experience living near a beach and family compared to the affordability of a Sydney coastal property. Read their great experience and see their beautiful house below.

July 2018

July 2018 Simon and Sue

They purchased an Investment property in Ohakune and go back to Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions again after her assistance 10 years ago when they purchased their own Ohakune house. Great to keep in contact with clients.

June 2018

June 2018 Charlie and Jean from Perth purchase their 2nd NZ investment house in 4 months (one in Christhchurch and one in Dunedin).

They have originally resided in NZ many years ago and plan to move back to Christchurch in the near future. Mary obtained preapproval and then they flew to Christchurch viewing many properties as their future retirement property. After settling Christchurch in February they decided to research and look at Dunedin for investment. They purchased in June Dunedin where property has been instantly sold within days of going on the market for the past 2 years. Approval from the bank via Mary within 1 day of signing conditional Agreement for Sale & Purchase. Tenant on settlement date. Extremely happy clients and a great happy couple.

June 2018

June 2018 Sarah, a Kiwi Professional residing in Sydney, refinance her existing NZ Mortgage on her existing Auckland property to obtain deposit plus preapproval for a “new build” in Auckland

Sarah visited her family in Auckland and found a property in Auckland due to commence construction and wished to purchase a Unit now with a 10% deposit. After her due diligence from her Father in construction and Uncle as a Solicitor, she was satisfied. Mary arranged a refinance from her existing NZ bank and enabled the 10% deposit plus the new loan for the new build.

Great teamwork between her Father, Uncle, Mary and herself. She can relax for a few months now until construction completed then we will settle the new property.

April 2018

Alex and Paula Moved from UK to Wellington

See lovely Thank You card from Paula and Alex who have resided in their Aro Valley house 3 years ago. Paula was visiting Auckland for work reasons and wanted to take Mary out to a restaurant to thank Mary very much for the work she did for them obtaining a NZ mortgage before they left UK. See the great quality NZ Sparkling Wine They gave Mary with a very nice emotional Thank You card. Read the nice card.

March 2018

Brent (a Kiwi residing in Sydney for many years) purchases his sister/brother-in-law’s house in Napier.

Brent and Mary from NZ Mortgage Solutions worked as a good team, with Mary obtaining preapproval from a NZ bank, Brent and Mary obtaining a registered valuation for this private sale, liaising with the solicitor and Brent obtaining very good exchange rates with the largest international exchange company in Australia and NZ called Hifx (also known as XE Money). At the end Mary obtained very good interest rates from the NZ bank. As a first time owner for NZ overall Brent was extremely happy and learnt alot.

October 2017

Pascalle and Andrew

Pascalle and Andrew regularly visit Pascalle’s family in Auckland. On each occasion they would househunt. After a lot of househunting over 7 months from Mary obtaining bank preapproval they finally found a fantastic house on Waiheke Island. After purchasing Waiheke they had a baby girl (Coco). How amazing to househunt, look after NZ family and have a baby within weeks!!! They sent Mary fantastic Waiheke Wine called Man O’ War which Mary loved on her birthday. Really nice words in their letter to Mary - please read

October 2017


Lucy who resides in Sydney (a Kiwi who has family living near Queenstown) set her heart on purchasing a new property at Jacks Point Queenstown. Mary obtained preapproval for Lucy. Lucy loved this property and saw great potential. Both Mary and Lucy had to have a lot of patience waiting for the vendor to get the Title. When the Title came settlement was immediate and a great celebration. See note from Lucy

July 2017


Kathleen, (a Kiwi living in Sydney) took 6 months to find the right Tauranga investment property for her Tauranga family.   With one failed auction campaign, perseverance was rewarded with finding the right property which settled at the end of June 2017.  Lovely note from Kathleen to Mary - see attached.

June 2017

Leanne and Warren

Leanne and Warren Richards (Australians purchase Oamaru) plus their son Liam who moved to Dunedin to begin a good Electrical job and purchased his first home in 10 days and moved into the home within 1 month of arriving.  Leanne and Warren obtained preapproval from Mary in September 2016 but did not find the right property when visiting the South Island.  They met a very nice friend/client of Mary’s  moved from Queensland and had returned “home” to Oamaru 4 years ago (Colleen).  They are now friends with Colleen  (a Teacher) who has helped them with an education of Oamaru. In June 2017 Leanne and Warren purchased a fantastic Oamaru 1960s brick house on a very large section for an amazing price and they had tenants on settlement date.  They are thrilled they have purchased a good quality bargain house and being a few streets from Colleen.  It was great for Mary to help Leanne and Warren for Oamaru and son Liam for his own Dunedin house where he is very happy now.  See note from Leanne and Warren.

May 2017

Stacey and Brett

Stacey and Brett (2 Kiwis originally from Whangarei and Cambridge reside in the mining industry in Queensland for the past 10 years) have a daughter studying law at Otago University.  They purchased a nice home in Dunedin as an investment property and will eventually move to Dunedin.  Their daughter helped in the “house hunting”" and they are all thrilled with their great house in Musselburgh Dunedin.  See note below.

May 2017

Steve and Karen

Steve (previously in the banking industry for 10 years) and Karen (a Project Manager in Northern Territory and originally from Rangiora NZ) are another great couple whose high Management jobs manage and help Australians in Outback towns like Alice Springs. As per their story attached, they went through 3 NZ Brokers with the last one telling them to go to an NZ bank themselves. Luckily they found Mary and they say “after 15-minute phone conversation then application to the NZ bank within 4 days then unconditional approval, they comment “You provided us with confidence from the start. Your knowledge and understanding of the rules around non-resident purchasers and who was prepared to lend to us was spot on”.

This was a very important purchase for Steve and Karen, as they were purchasing Karen’s mother’s Rangiora house where Karen’s sister lived down the road and one day in a few years time they will relocate to live in this home. This must have been very stressful in the beginning before they contacted Mary, but in the end, the attached letter tells you everything!!!!

April 2017

Nathan and Lydia

Nathan and Lydia (a young Australian couple) worked as a great team with Mary, the solicitor and Mary worked with the NZ bank for nearly 2 years to continue their bank approval until finally the Land Title is issued!!!  In that time they became engaged at the top of a mountain next to their Wanaka Section (Aust word for “Block”).  Since June 2015 when they signed up the greatest changes to bank lending and Government new changes to Borrowing capacity from 80% finance down to 60% eventuated, along with stricter “Nonresident policy”.  This was an emotional, challenging but absolutely rewarding experience for Mary, the Bank Assessor, Nathan and Lydia.  Since 2 years ago the Wanaka section has increased dramatically.  Soon they will be able to use the equity in the land appreciation as a deposit for a new house.  See amazing story they have written plus a lovely romantic photo on their “Section”.  What a great couple and what an amazing location!!!!!

April 2017

Qing Shen

April 2017 Qing is a very kind Doctor in Outback Australia and is a Citizen of NZ.  She has resided in Australia for 15 years but still loves NZ (she calls NZ “home”).  Read her story about signing an Agreement for Sale & Purchase for an Auckland property and being “rejected” for  finance at the last minute.  She found Mary on Google.  It was a big rush but Mary managed to get an extremely quick approval and good interest rates from a leading NZ bank.  Qing is so happy now.  Read her story.

March 2017


Mihaela originally lived in Wellington and moved to Sydney in 2012. She has just settled a house on the Kapiti Coast of Wellington with water view of Kapiti Island. She is keen to purchase another Wellington property in the future. Settlement date she popped a bottle of Moet!!! See her note.

December 2016

Peter and Pam from Brisbane

December 2016 Peter and Pam from Brisbane purchase land in Queenstown with an amazing view of the lake. They look forward to building in a few years and to enjoy the Queenstown lifestyle. See photo celebrating the settlement of the land and holding the Title with the names registered on the Title electronically within 1 hour of settlement. Great teamwork by Peter, Pam and Mary.

December 2016

Maggie and Joe

Maggie and Joe who live in Sydney purchase a Wellington house near their daughter Robyn and her husband Sean in Wellington with the intention to retire there next year. Properties were selling very fast, but they were prepared with their finance. They found 2 houses (one tender and one auction) and urgently had to get the properties approved within 2 days. Maggie, Joe, Mary, the bank and the solicitor had to all worked so fast. Great teamwork by everyone.Then the earthquake struck and there were suddenly insurance issues. Maggie worked it all out in the end with the Vendor’s insurance company. A great celebration by Maggie and Joe and great future to live near Robyn and Sean in Wellington. Great letter from Maggie and Joe.

November 2016

Robyn and Sean (Kiwis) and their 2 dogs return to Wellington

November 2016 Robyn and Sean (Kiwis) and their 2 dogs return to Wellington after residing in Melbourne for many years. They accepted new jobs in Wellington before they left Melbourne. Mary obtained a preapproval for them. They sold Melbourne house, moved the next week to Wellington and began their jobs (pilot and solicitor). They began their new jobs just days before settlement. They settled their Wellington house with the overseas freight arriving at the same time. All perfectly timed by them (after many tries at house tenders and auctions over 8 months). Robyn’s parents live in Sydney and decided to also purchase in Wellington - see letter from Maggie and Joe above.

November 2016

Lance and Margi of Sydney

Lance and Margi of Sydney purchase a modern house in Nelson after 8 days househunting in Nelson. Obtaining a preapproval from Mary helped prepare them before flying to Nelson. Lance is originally from Nelson. See the end result of this great house and happy couple.

November 2016

Jane (Scottish) and Sean (Irish) of Melbourne purchase a house in Christchurch after Jane’s parents and sisters moved to Christchurch from Scotland recently

October 2016

Julie and Michael of Melbourne purchase a house in Dunedin. They obtained preapproval from Mary before flying to Dunedin. When they arrived the property market was very “hot” with properties selling in hours. See their story on their Dunedin investment success.

September 2016

From Astika, Vick and 4 year old Maits

September 2016 Astika, Vick and 4-year old Maits move from Canberra to Kapiti Coast Wellington when Astika begins a job as a Medical Doctor at a Hospital. They found Mary from the website while living in Canberra. Mary obtained very quick NZ bank preapproval. Viktoria (Vick) flies to Wellington within 2 days finding 2 properties, the first one not successful with building inspection report and the second and only house they bided for at auction (1 street from Raumati South Beach) they WON!! Thanks for really quick bank approval and Vick doing her due diligence in 1 week they had this property. Within 6 weeks they moved their container from Canberra to Kapiti Coast. 2 months settled into a great New Zealand lifestyle (Vick originally from Wellington) with beach 1 street away, excellent preschool, a new freeway later this year and relaxed lifestyle. Mary received this amazing present in the mail of the 2 “South Raumati” woollen cushions and this amazing card drawn and written by Maits. Mary will definitely visit them in Wellington.

August 2016

August 2016 Ria and Doug purchase Ria’s bequeathed parents family home in Invercargill. Although they reside in Melbourne this was an “emotional” purchase.

Settlement still hasn’t sunk in, but we are really thankful and happy. Secondly, you amazing, thoughtful woman! Thank you so much for our special present. received with love and thanks to you. We feel so special!!!

June 2016

June 2016 Melissa and Martin who have originally resided in Sydney when they purchased an Auckland property in 2013 and then moved to Wellington permanently where they have purchased a great Wellington house which they hope to renovate (Martin being an architect with great design ideas). A great couple that have worked with Mary on each occasion for finance and challenging auctions/tenders achieving their happy settlements.

Mary has helped us purchase two houses now - one in Auckland and one in Wellington. Both times she has been great. She’s a people person, patient and helpful with all the paperwork and twenty questions from us; knowledgeable and well-connected with the banks, able, through her relationships, to get us excellent interest rates both times. She was always on the case, and made the sometimes bewildering process feel completely doable. We highly recommend Mary. All the best Melissa and Martin.

June 2016

June 2016 from Sarah (Banker) and Gus (Scientist) of Sydney who sign up for land and construction in a new Christchurch subdivision. Mary, Sarah and Gus, NZ solicitor (Gus’s brother who lives in Christchurch) and of course Westpac worked together so well with settlement of the land, construction progress payments and finally Sarah and Gus flew over and landscaped the grass and new garden.See great photos and note o the end result.

It is true to say New Zealanders have a great work ethic and really value excellent customer experiences, Mary is no exception. We would like to thank Mary for all her hard work in guiding us through the process of non-resident borrowing and building our new investment property in New Zealand.

This was our first purchase with the house being overseas and a new build for investment purposes. We had a lot to understand from contracts, specifications, processes and consents. Mary knew everything! Banking legislation for non-residents is constantly changing and Mary helped us keep up to date and ensured all went smoothly. The contacts she has are wonderful where the entire experience was a real team approach. We knew nothing about lending or settlement processes, so having someone to guide us was very important.

I would not hesitate to recommend Mary and New Zealand Mortgage Solutions to anybody looking to purchase/build either in Australia or overseas and I know we will be using her again when we find our next project.

June 2016

From Sarah and Ghassan of Sydney

It is true to say New Zealanders have a great work ethic and really value excellent customer experiences, Mary is no exception. We would like to thank Mary for all her hard work in guiding us through the process of non-resident borrowing and building our new investment property in New Zealand.

This was our first purchase with the house being overseas and a new build for investment purposes. We had a lot to understand from contracts, specifications, processes and consents. Mary knew everything! Banking legislation for non residents is constantly changing and Mary helped us keep up to date and ensured all went smoothly. The contacts she has are wonderful where the entire experience was a real team approach. We knew nothing about lending or settlement processes, so having someone to guide us was very important.

I would not hesitate to recommend Mary and New Zealand Mortgage Solutions to anybody looking to purchase/build either in Australia or overseas and I know we will be using her again when we find our next project.

May 2016

Carla and Boris purchase a house for Boris’s retired Mum in Hawkes Bay. There were challenges thinking they had the right property for her to retire. Then at the last minute before settlement the Vendor cancelled the deal. Another deal failed with Building Report. Luckily the mother’s landlord decided to sell to Carla and Boris. See Boris’s mother very very happy with her dog and retirement. See their story

After almost 6 months of searching for a property in Hawkes Bay, NZ to purchase for our newly retired Mum, we finally settled on 31st May 2016. This entire ordeal was somewhat trying at times, frustrating, confusing, if we hadn’t secured the services of Mary O’Brien (Broker) we would have walked away from this venture to try again at a later stage. During the first couple of months we experienced a failed negotiation, an unsatisfactory Building Report, a rejected offer & a Vendor that changed her mind a week before settlement!! Throughout all of this Mary was right there, guiding us, advising us, her extensive knowledge of both New Zealand & Australian Laws regarding purchasing property was paramount to our purpose. We found Mary very approachable, she always made herself available to answer any questions, she made dealing with the Bank the easiest part of the whole process. We will always be grateful for the help Mary gave us & we would highly recommend her to anyone wanting help to purchase property. Thanks so much Mary. PS We attach a photo of Boris’s Mum Liz happy in her home.

May 2016

Kirk and Jaccqui (Kiwis) move from Brisbane back to Wellington with Kirk securing a job in Wellington. Upon their Brisbane house selling in January, they contacted Mary to obtain a preapproval before moving in February. Mary obtained the preapproval on bank letterhead. The moment they moved they looked at properties. As the Wellington property market was over-active plus properties selling within days, Mary, the bank, Kirk and Jacqui went through 4 preapprovals of properties and finally they found a fantastic home on the Kapiti Coast with great beaches, schooling for their child and a new motorway into Wellington, plus much lower priced than Wellington central. They are so so happy with such a great lifestyle back “home” in NZ and said their “roller coaster ride was well worth it”. See how happy they are:

Dear Mary

We are now all moved into our new home on the Kapiti Coast. And what a roller coaster of a ride to get to this point. But as we said, it was well worth it.

We cannot thankyou enough for all your patience throughout the process of missing out on FOUR properties before finally finding the RIGHT place for us. All your hard work through out that process helped us every step of the way.

We would also like to recognise, You were really lovely to deal with, contacted and worked with us outside of businesses hours, gave us a lot of support and understanding which made a very difficult and stressful time a lot easier for both Kirk and I.

We would not hesitate to recommend you to friends and family.

Kind regards
Jacqui and Kirk.

P.S. We haven’t had a chance to get a photo of us yet, but we will try this weekend and send it through as soon as we have one.

April 2016

Craig and Anna (Kiwis) having lived in Perth for many years and Mary obtaining finance for their investment Christchurch property 3 years ago when they resided in Perth, move back to their “homeland” where they are so so so happy purchasing and living in their new home plus secure jobs and being near their families. Nothing like “being home” for Kiwis from Oz

We are all settled in, Built 50m of fence to contain Maggie and the Dogs and are loving our new place. Thank you very much for making the process stress free. If it that easy we might have to do a few more….

We can always scribe a recommendation piece for your site.

Thanks Mary
Craig Anna Maggie Tiesha Tiny

April 2016

Gareth and Dionne existing clients for 5 years of Mary’s wish to pay off debts and do an extension of their Auckland house, having just had a baby. Mary goes back to their bank (ANZ) and obtains top up of mortgage. After 2 months see their note. Nice to always continue assistance to existing clients

Mary at New Zealand Mortgage Solutions recently helped us renegotiate and extend our existing mortgage. We had experienced Mary’s efficiency and drive when we got our initial mortgage and true to form she secured us a great rate and additional money to extend our house which is bursting at the seams due a recent addition. I would not hesitate to recommend Mary and her expertise for any form of mortgage help.

Truly Satisfied Customers Dionne and Gareth

April 2016

Diana and Ian purchase a property where they were born and bred in Fielding NZ. They live in Perth and thought they would have to sell Perth to purchase in Fielding. They were so emotional cause of upbringing in NZ and so secure knowing they can keep Perth house

Hi Mary

Mary I have to say that you have been such a steadying influence on me through this process. I have found it rather daunting at times purchasing a house in NZ from Perth, going to NZ to view houses, husband out of Perth etc etc, but you have found solutions to all my problems I have had and I am sure without you I would have been totally lost.

Thank you soooooo much. I really don’t know how to truly thank you for your guidance through this process. You have been superb xxx

Diana xxx

Jan 2016

John (Kiwi) and wife Aida (Australian) purchase a Dunedin property for John’s parents to move to from Australia to retire. Parents very happy. Mary received beautiful vase and flowers from John and Aida. See photo

Feb 2016

Laura and Richard, a young Australian couple (Air Traffic Controller and Pharmacy employee) in the Northern Territory diversify their investment and purchase in New Zealand (Palmerston North).

A big thank you to Mary and NZMS for your help and guidance in securing our 1st block of land in Hamner Springs! We are looking forward to building soon and will be in touch to sort out the building loan!

Jan 2016

Shane and Livia move permanently from Queensland to Nelson where they are extremely happy (see family photo with a happy dog as well). Shane has a crane business in Queensland and flies in and out of Australia and NZ.

Oh hey Mary!

Been meaning to get a photo of us in front of our house but kids, work, life, busy!!

Thank you so much for the towels, a very nice touch and most appreciated.

We’re all happy and healthy here thanks, Livia’s birthday today so we all went for a hike up the Richmond hills on a sunny Nelson day.

Thanks you so much


December 2015

Melissa and Troy a young couple (Melissa originally from Christchurch and Troy Australian) both live in Queensland and purchase a block of land (section) at Hamner Springs as their first investment.

A big thank you to Mary and NZMS for your help and guidance in securing our 1st block of land in Hamner Springs! We are looking forward to building soon and will be in touch to sort out the building loan!

December 2015

Kathryn and Ilyas who live in Sydney purchase an investment property in Devonport Auckland in next street to Kathryn’s father

A great investment, great capital growth area along with lifestyle location plus father living in next street. Couple live in Sydney. See settlement day happiness.

FYI , we have settled today!

Just wanted to thank you for the all the help, contacts and facilitation of the process.

You made it very easy:

Ilyas and Kathryn

November 2015

Sean and Julia (originally from South Africa and living in NSW) purchase their Dunedin house with waterviews and their one wish to move to their “beautiful” house in the near future from Australia.

Great photo of rolling green hills and waterview plus of course Sean and Julia very happy.

Hi Mary,

Thank you for all you have done.
We had a wonderful time there and absolutely love our new house.
Couldn’t ask for more.

Mary, thank you so much for the beautiful towels. We will keep them especially for our new home.

We are so looking forward to moving over there, and couldn’t be happier with this property.
It is just beautiful.

Thank you for all your help in making this happen. Maybe one day you will pop in and visit when in Dunedin.

Thank you again

October 2015

Mick and Christine who live in Sydney settle their First New Zealand house in Gisborne where they have family.

Mick and Christine could not believe how they could do everything from Australia and purchase such a good quality and low priced house in Gisborne where they are originally from.

Attn Mary

I would just like to thank Mary for all her hard work in getting us over the line with our recent purchase of property in New Zealand.
This was our first New Zealand purchase and with Mary ‘s help everything went very smoothly.
The contacts she has and the people she uses could not have been better.
I would not hesitate to recommend Mary and New Zealand Mortgage Solutions to anybody looking to purchase property overseas and I know we will be using her again when we have another deposit saved.
Thanks again Mary, the only thing that would’ve made it better was if the Aussies had won the world cup.

September 2015

Refinance New Zealand Property from 1 NZ lender to another with great savings to Walter

Walter is living in Melbourne and is absolutely thrilled at the savings he has obtained through Mary for his Ahipara house.

Hi Mary,

I would just like to express my gratitude and thanks for your help refinancing my loan in Ahipara. It has made things so much easier for me the way it is set up now.

I have gone from a 7.64% on my previous mortgage to 4.74% on the current mortgage you negotiated for me.

Can not believe the monthly savings, from $1100 per month to $ 920 a month, HUGE SAVINGS!! Not only this, but then receiving the legal contribution from the new finance provider.

Not only the savings but all your patience and guidance with all my paperwork. Once again, THANK YOU”

September 2015

Caroline and her young children move from Sydney to her ageing parents in Nelson

Really nice note from Carolyn who emigrated form Australia to New Zealand to her parents in sunny Nelson

“With ageing parents and small children in need of schooling, it made sense for me to emigrate from Australia to New Zealand and join my immediate family in Nelson. As such, I needed to fund a mortgage in NZ while still working and generating income in Australia.

Mary proved invaluable in this space. She knew and understood the New Zealand market, was able to advise me on the application process, the legal environment, what to look out for and avoid and was able to point me at a wealth of statistical information that helped me in my property search. Thanks to her knowledgeable assistance I was able to find the perfect property in only two fly-in trips to New Zealand.

I would heartily recommend Mary to anyone interested in investing in the New Zealand property market from outside that country.”

August 2015

Pete (Pilot) and his wife Jen look all over New Zealand for a great location of a house and aircraft hanger beside the house near coastal waters. They find their dreamhouse at Pauanui on Coromandel Peninsula

Where could you find a house, aircraft hanger beside house, an aircraft airstrip beside house and the beach 1 street away?? Pauanui New Zealand for these Australians!!! They say this is great for their retirement lifestyle. They then found Mary’s website - read their note and great photos.

“Whilst holidaying in NZ, my wife and I found the perfect house for our retirement in a few years. Once back in Australia we were researching how to go about buying property in NZ, and came across Mary’s details on the Internet.

With one phone call, we had more than enough information to get the process started.

Not only did she broker a great deal on our loan, she provided recommendations for solicitors, accountants, money transfer company, all of whom were efficient, helpful and friendly.

Her efforts on our behalf didn’t stop with the purchase of our new home, she was also happy to give us contacts for setting up the house as a holiday rental, and tips on where to get the best deals on furnishings and homewares.

Overall, Mary’s help went far beyond our expectations of a mortgage broker. Her friendliness and professionalism helped us sail through what could have been a stressful experience.

We would recommend her services to anyone without hesitation.”

April 2015

Nikki and Briana move to Ahipara (Kaitaia) where Nikki was born and bred.

5 days before auction of house on the Ahipara Beach Nikki contacts Mary, not believing that she can obtain a a NZ bank can unconditionally approve this property for auction in 5 days time. Mary obtained approval from a NZ bank in 3 working days. They won at auction and now live in what they call their “piece of paradise in New Zealand”. Nikki flys in and flys out of Australia (FIFO) working in the mining industry. Briana, Nikki and their 2 young boys Kekoam Keonni and dog Tama are so happy. See “Happy Dayz” note from Nikki and photo of Briana, the boys and Tama the dog at their Ahipara house on the beach.

March 2015

Chrissy, an ex pat Kiwi living in Australia Celebrates her Cambridge Settlement


Thanks for all your help Mary!

June 2015

June 2015 Paul and Michelle (ex pat Kiwis) purchase an Auckland investment property after many years living in UK with 2 kids and having no chance of owning property.

Many months of emailing each other from UK then moving to Tauranga to Michelle’s parents and at last finding a house on outskirts of Auckland as a “do-up and few weeks painting” to get tenants and invest at long last. Well worth the wait for these happy clients.

June 2015

June 2015 Zac and Emily - As Sydney prices are astronomically so high, Zac and Emily planned to purchase a house in eastern suburbs Glendowie Auckland where they eventually moved. They purchased cause of schooling for their kids High Schoot at Sacred Heart College plus close to beaches. Mary obtained preapproval (valid 6 months) and after challenging auctions it all happenned!!!! They are so happy today with great jobs, lifestyle and eduction.

Read this very happy note from Zac and Emily!!! See beautiful Bouquet Flowers and chocolates sent to Mary On Settlement.

May 2015

May 2015 Luka and Davi finally find a house for Luka’s mother in Auckland after 1 year 10 months with preapproval and going to auctions. Mum is very happy!! Read Luka’s story

Luka, Davi and Mary have worked very hard finding Luka’s mother an Auckland property mainly cause of the auctions and prices in Auckland. Luka is in finance management in Australia and understood the hard work to continue the relationship with the NZ bank in providing many properties (usually for auction) plus updating Luka’s and Davi’s updated financial situation to the NZ bank. Every time there was an auction it was a team combination with Luka, Mary and the NZ bank coming back with info/approval within 1 working day. Luka and Davi will have a great ongoing relationship with Mary and the NZ bank after obtaining a settlement after 1 year 10 months!!! Happy retired mother!!!!!

April 2015

April 2015 Tracy and Robbie live in Sydney. Robbie (originally from NZ) and Tracy (from UK) visit Robbie’s parents who moved to Tauranga from South Island. The fell in love with Tauranga. Read our story

Tracy and Robbie visited Robbie’s parents in Tauranga NZ and immediately were interested selling their UK property.The UK sale went on for a few months cause of the UK slow house process. We worked with each other over many months and at long last they had the cash deposit from UK settlement. They flew over to Tauranga and look at property. finding that they required to act fast. Mary had already obtained a preapproval from a NZ bank which was valid for 6 months but each time they looked at property they had to be very quick to action purchase. Tauranga is amazing compared to where they lived in Sydney (renting) with the coastal and pleasurable lifestyle plus most important an amazing price for a lovely house. See their note and photos on their great house and settlement. Mary, Robbie and Tracy will always keep in contact in the future and everyone is so happy.

March 2015

Anita and Scott

Anita and Scott began planning the construction of their dream home on Banks Peninsula (near Akaroa) in 2012 when Mary obtained a mortgage from a NZ bank for the land and construction. Scott and his brother (the builder) have completed the construction now. Anita and Mary worked so well together with the progress payments from the bank, the Council compliance and overall amazing teamwork from when Anita and Scott lived in Sydney to when they moved into their home - look at the beautiful lifestyle - what a magnificent place to live!!! A great construction experience and happy clients (plus their happy dog)!!

Feb 2015

Pete and Sue (England) have lived in first in NZ and now in Perth and found their so called “piece of paradise making their dream come true” in a lifestyle area in Manawatu. They sound so happy - read this:

This couple had no idea from Perth how they could get the finance for NZ until they found Mary of New Zealand Mortgage on Google and now look forward to move to their NZ property in the future.

February 2015

Steve, a coal mine train driver in Western Australia and his wife Jo a Teacher both ex pat Kiwis purchase Jo’s father’s Napier home after his death and go through a very sad time

Very sad experience of Jo’s father’s death but nice to have Steve and Jo purchase the property from the estate with a preapproval from Mary of New Zealand Mortgage Solutions on bank letterhead and going through the “legal” and “registered valuation” process for the estate property. See very happy clients below with a great tenant and some memorable of owning this family estate house in NZ. See their lovely photo together and Steve’s photo working as a “unique” train driver in the mining industry in Australia (unlike the normal train driver around the world in cities)!!! Lovely for them to own family house in NZ.

Dec 2014

Matthew and Angela ex Pat Kiwis living in Australia purchase investment property in Christchurch after 2 previous failed builders reports in Queenstown. Now Very Happy Clients

Matthew and Angela did their due diligence with firstly obtaining from Mary of New Zealand Mortgage Solutions a preapproval on NZ bank letterhead for an investment property in New Zealand which was obtained very quickly giving them confidence. They looked at Queenstown and obtained a Builder’s Report which failed on building and another purchase in Queenstown where the report failed on lack of Council approval. Please note these good clients checked everything thoroughly and in the end they purchased in Christchurch. Matthew and Angela were very thorough with finance first then builder’s inspection then insurance confirmation before deciding to go ahead with settlement. A lesson to be learnt for potential purchasers and very very happy Ex Pat Kiwi clients. Great teamwork with Mary. See their note on settlement plus thrilled to see their name on Title from solicitor within 1 hour of settlement.

Nov 2014

Tauranga Has Everything We Need November 2014

Alastair (an Emergency Medical Doctor) and his wife Elizabeth with their 2 amazing kids (Mary has visited in their new home in Tauranga), shifted from UK to Tauranga then to Perth Western Australia working in the Hospital then back to Tauranga. They love NZ!! Alastair rides his bicycle to work, the kids and Elizabeth ride to school and they live 1 street from the water for an amazing price with a waterview from their house. They are so so happy!!! Mary loved visiting them this year - great lifestyle!!! Many properties preapproved and inspected and after 11 months they have their lovely home!!!

Oct 2014

Hamper Present From Craig and Evonne (Australians) move from Sydney to Auckland for Great Job and Quick Bank Preapproval October 2014.

Before they leave Sydney they contact Mary. In 48 hours we get preapproval from a Great NZ Bank and they fly to Auckland to look at property. See lovely Hamper they gave Mary for quick preapproval. Amazing Teamwork between clients, bank and Mary.

Sept 2014

Graeme and Yvonne Of NSW Refixing Their Existing Mortgage with NZ Bank plus their Financial Needs And Ongoing Relationship September 2014

After a few years of owing a Dunedin property, Graeme and Yvonne found their interest rates very high. They contacted Mary and in the past 3 years she has continuously negotiated good refix interest rates with their existing bank and looked at their financial needs, reminding and reviewing their rates and helping them all the way. See their note.

Aug 2014

Abinesh & Asha 2 New Purchases Hamilton in 6 months August 2014

They originally resided in Auckland and now reside in Australia. They are so happy with their 2nd Hamilton investment property within 6 months through Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions settled with a leading NZ bank. Read testimonial.

July 2014

Haydn Testimonial on NZ and Australian finance with a guidance for a Change of Ownership working with his solicitor and the lenders July 2014

Haydn has been a client of Mary’s for 4 years. Firstly with Haydn and his ex wife requiring New Zealand finance for a deposit for Australian property as well as an Australian mortgage for around 8% for the loan to purchase an investment property in South Australia. Recently Haydn contacted Mary to change the mortgage after the marriage breakup. Mary liaised with the Mortgage Provider and Haydn the whole way (upon instructions from the solicitor). Haydn is very happy with his coastal South Australian house and keep in contact with Mary. Nice to help a client in need!!!

May 2014

Emma and John live in Australia and purchased their first NZ investment kproperty in Gisborne. They found it amazing to be able to do all the formalities linked to purchasing a NZ property without travelling to New Zealand. Mary helped them through from preapproval to settlement. See notes below from this young couple

April 2014

Clients from Australia purchase in Otago on great lifestyle property to move to. After Mary obtaining pre-approval with great co-operation from the NZ bank, the clients then did house hunting over a few months, looking for the ideal location for the Beagle dogs and as well as themselves. They finally found this beautiful property. You can see the dogs love it as well as themselves – see comment below

March 2014

Nick and Meghan originally from Wellington have resided in UK for many years. They decided to move back to Wellington and purchased their first home which was a beautiful house on a mountain with spectacular views of Wellington. Mary, Nick and Meghan worked together as a great team between UK and NZ (many late hours at night). Speed was the essence to get their glorious property, so Mary obtained finance approval in 24 hours and clients purchased. Clients are very very happy and today Nick works between NZ and UK from their dream house. See lovely note from clients below.

January 2014

Theo and Kerry work on a remote island off Western Australia 26 days on and 9 days off and purchased in Dunedin. Cause of their isolated work location they could only do business with NZ banks, solicitors, real estate agents etc. at limited times. Mary and the clients worked together at various times or the day and night and as a team we all liaised together. It took at few months until they found the right Dunedin property. Through great liaison with Mary and the NZ solicitor, bank and foreign exchange company we all worked together for the settlement date. This exercise is very interesting when a person works offshore and only has internet/phone communication. Amazing teamwork and great happiness from all parties on the settlement date. See photo and comments from Theo and Kerry

December 2013

Scott and Mandi (Americans) work in Western Australia. They fall in love with Queenstown and purchased a beautiful large luxury waterfront property. All the great network contact was done between Western Australia (clients), NSW (Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions) and Queenstown (solcitior, valuer, bank and real estate agent). Mary obtained finance with great interest rates and ongoing personal service from Private Banking sector of a bank in Queenstown. Scott and Mandi will travel regularly not only from Australia to USA but also to Queenstown with their kids. See amazing photo email of their NZ Title within 2 hours of settlement and of course their champagne bottle popped on settlement day.

November 2013

Richard and Jane worked very hard for over 12 months looking at many Auckland houses during the property boom. Mary obtained many preapprovals for auctions, At last they found their “dream house” and very good interest rates were organised by Mary plus the bank were amazing with their generosity and service. Nice to help Richard in Melbourne 7 years ago obtain finance for Auckland house. Then company transfer permanently to Auckland where Richard, Jane and 2 kids purchase their family house

November 2013

Terry originally from NZ has a longstanding Plumbing Business in Melbourne. His Dad died in NZ and he wanted to purchase the house from the Estate and to have it as great memories of his father plus as an investment. He found Mary from NZ Mortgage Solutions on the web and we worked in with the legal procedure of the Father’s estate. He went to NZ after settlement and now loves fishing. He now intends to regularly visit the house, doing maintenance and of course go fishing. See the great schnapper caught by his wife Jenny and him.

November 2013

Greg and Darlene (architects) moved from Adelaide to Auckland where Greg had a new job. Before moving they contacted Mary to be educated on the process of obtaining a top up of their existing Australian mortgage on their Adelaide house and then Mary obtaining preapproval from a NZ bank to prepare them to househunt when they arrived in Auckland. With the property market situation in Auckland we obtained a few auction preapprovals. Finally after a few months they found their lovely property which was close to work, the beach and suitable for their Australian family to visit them. We never gave up and they won at auction finally!!!

November 2013

Andy an Online Uni Lecturer (a Kiwi) and Georgie in Multi Media Education (from Victoria) living in Melbourne purchased a beautiful lifestyle block and house in the “Far North” of the North Island near Hokianga. Over the next decade they aim to spend more time in NZ and eventually settle there. After Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutiosn Sydney arranged NZ bank letterhead preapproval they travelled to NZ. After a long period of time they finally found the “lifestyle” location for them. Mary gave them good contacts and kept them on the procedure trail the whole way. See nice comments

October 2013

Graeme and Louise work in Melbourne and visit Louise’s sister in Queenstown regularly. Upon a visit there was a Private Sale of a house in Arthur’s Point Queenstown near her sister. They purchased as an investment property with the wish one day to move there. See their testimonial of finally finding Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions Sydney after a few attempts of seacrching online elsewhere. They intend to purchase again in the future. Read their experience

October 2013

Bryan and Jude who live in Perth purchased their 2nd Queenstown property and came back to Mary from NZ Mortgage Solutions Sydney for their finance. they love Queenstown and have purchased each house with magnificent Lake and Mountain Views plus great Rental Returns and Mary obtaining Great Interest Rates. Why not get the tenants to pay the Mortgage and one day have a great lifestyle location to live>> See note below

August 2013

Rangi and Kelly’s Lumsden NZ purchase “started with a dream”, as Rangi was born in Lumsden (near Queenstown). They are very hardworking clients with 12 hour shift days in the Pilbara mines Western Australia mines, bad mobile coverage and required urgent finance approval to get their dream location, Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions Sydney and the clients worked miraculously as a great team to obtain finance approval, organise house insurance, NZ solicitor and foreign exchange for deposit and finally settlement. There was big “time” differences of Western Aust, NSW and NZ. See the very happy Rangi and Kelly in the end.

July 2013

Rachel is originally from Christhchurch and Norm originally from Sydney now live in Perth. They have always loved NZ and especially ski-ing. Last year they decided to purchase in Wanaka as an investment loving the idea of no stamp duty and favourable deposit. Norm an Engineer and Rachel a Lawyer are both hardworking so their Wanaka property was a dream come true. Now for the first time since settlement last year they have flown on a Wanaka ski holiday and read how much they love it. Read their comments on working with Mary and also Mary introduced them to ANZ who also have been very helpful. What a happy couple on Wanaka skifield!!!!! Rachel and Norm photo ski-ing Queenstown NEW ON DECEMBER 19TH

July 2013

Candice and Joseph have worked in the Mining Industry in Queensland for the past 3 years. They are originally from Kaitaia in the far North. Mary arranged preapproval from a leading NZ bank. Instantly Candice’s sister found a great house in Kaitaia. After all building inspection, legal, finance preapproval formalities, they settled with the great property. Each year they will return to Kaitaia to inspect their property and see their family. They loved the idea of 20% deposit, no stamp duty and paying the house off quickly.’

June 2013

Andrew and Vanessa from Perth settle their land after waiting months for the Title in Rolleston Christchurch. They can now build their dream home, move from Perth when construction is complete. Andrew will continue to work in the mines in Western Australia for 4 weeks and return to their new home for 2 weeks. Lovely Thank You card to Mary said: “We can’t express our thanks and gratitude in helping us to secure our ‘Kiwi Dream Home and Land’. Your dedication and always being available either by email or phone to answer all our questions has meant alot to us. Thank you for making it easy to arrange all of our loan documents with Andrew being out of town for so long. To be honest, Andrew was so sceptical about using a Broker. Now he is one happy man and is on his way home!!! Many thanks for our “housewarming gift” the first one!!! Best wishes and Kind Regards Andrew and Vanessa”

June 2013

Trish and Te Reo - first home buyers (Trish a teacher and Te Reo in the mining industry). It took a few weeks after lots of househunting by them but in the end we settled. Amazing happiness on settlement and a great couple. See lovely present to Mary of Paua shaped specially designed bowl couriered from NZ. Fantastic photo!!! Also see beautiful gift to Mary of handcrafted ceramic Paua bowl from NZ as appreciation.

June 2013

June 2013 Scott (Kiwi) and Ana Maria (Brazillian) have lived in London past 14 years - The emotion to purchase seaside house in Christchurch “to live the dream of most people living the beach life in our dream home” came true. Organising between UK, Australia (Mary) and Christchurch the Finance, the Bank, the Valuer, Solicitor, Real Estate Agent (anxiety waiting for “bidding” decision from Vendor) and Insurance (insurance regulations and earthquake checks) was very challenging. Scott and Ana Maria never knew they could do all of this from overseas and “Mary took care of all the hard work”. “Yippie we have our new dream home”!!!!! Lovely Happy Family Photo!!!

May 2013

Cedar and Kylie Mary’s Existing Client for many years refix with great rates. Ongoing client assistance is very important to Mary and her clients to obtain good interest rates plus overall happiness with their NZ bank

May 2013

Pete (in his 50s) originally from NZ living in Perth chooses beautiful lifestyle house in Kerikeri Bay of Islands overlooking the water for his dream retirement in the next few years from Perth. Magic waterviews, a fantastic priced house compared to Perth and a speedy approval plus settlement. Pete can now choose where he wishes to live. Great teamwork!!! See lovely Moet Champagne present to Mary and great note.

April 2013

Jane, a Professional Kiwi living in Sydney visits her Auckland friend regularly. This time they both went househunting and found a magnificent Auckland North Shore house with great rental return. This investment should help Jane’s capital growth, future retirement income if she returns to NZ and existing tax (after she obtained advice from an Accountant in Australia). Good teamwork with househunting friend, solicitor (referred by Mary), the bank and Mary. Jane approved in 1 day. See comments of bank contact congratulating her on approval day. Speedy approval from Mary and the bank in 1 day gives confidence to clients!!! Personal effort from Bank and Mary so valuable to clients.

April 2013

Tania Refinances her existing Wellington NZ mortgage through Mary obtaining approval from a leading bank and saving Tania money plus a good interest rates. Mary also obtained great legal cash contributions from the new bank to help her change the Title to the new bank. Tania is looking forward to future NZ mortgages with Mary’s help.

March 2013

Sally and Stephan from Melbourne purchasing 2 houses (side by side) in Dunedin at fantastic purchase price and absolutely amazing rental income. Mary organised an extremely good split fixed/variable low interest rate which gives them peace of mind of mortgage repayments with their great rental income. Their friends live in Dunedin and they also have a sentimental feeling for Dunedin. With financial return, emotional feeling for Dunedin and good interest rates who could wish for more? 3 of us were a great team together!!! FROM SALLY AND STEPHAN:

February 2013

Warren and Adrienne settle and move from Perth to Tauranga after 12 months of househunting, finance approval updates and love being “back home” after many years living in Perth. They are so so happy.

December 2012

Bruce and Vicki from “remote” Western Australia purchased a beautiful Picton house overlooking the ocean that Bruce’s father constructed many years ago when Bruce lived in New Zealand. They had to act quickly as this was an “emotional” purchase. Finance, Insurance, bank branch relationship and of course settlement was all organised as a team effort with Mary. We all had so much “fun together” with this teamwork. Bruce and Vicki will fly there for 1 months holiday in January to be with Bruce’s family and Mary has been invited for 2 day holiday to see their beautiful location and will enjoy Marlborough Sounds, Vineyards and sunshine. See lovely letter and photo of a great happy couple

December 2012

December 2012 Shane and Rose had 2 great experiences during the same month - a new baby and a NZ house purchase. Can you imagine organising finance and purchase of their 1st investment property - also being overseas in NZ? Then 2 weeks after settlement giving birth to lovely little Hannah? 2 emotional experiences. They purchased in Masterton NZ where they have family residing. Preapproval, purchase and settlement was a “quick job” just before the baby!!! Read the lovely letter that Shane and Rose today are “over the moon”.

November 2012

Andrea and Paddy are originally from Dunedin New Zealand and have just purchased an amazing Heritage property with great purchase price and amazing rental yield profits in Dunedin. Andrea met Mary from NZ Mortgage Solutions Sydney at a Property Womens Conference and realised that they could get a NZ mortgage so easily being based in Australia. Through great teamwork Andrea and Mary provided the NZ chosen bank all the right paperwork and obtained a mortgage approval in 48 hours and were able to settle in 3 weeks. Andrea and Paddy have a fantastic reduced interest rate plus great generosity of cash contribution from the chosen bank. We all live very close to each other in Sydney and we obtained the approval from overseas in Sydney and settled so quickly. Today we are great friends

October 2012

Chet works for long periods in an extremely remote areas of Western Australia with very little shops/amenities. He is originally from Central Otago where he purchased a home. It was quite a challenge for communication, but Mary helped Chet with the legal, real estate, finance, insurance and settlement co-ordination. Since then Chet has recommended Mary and keeps in contact with her for interest rates and recommended accountants for tax returns. Great o keep ongoing contact with clients.

September 2012

David originally lived in NZ, moved to Sydney and owned 2 Auckland properties. He wished to obtain a better interest rate plus a preappproval for another NZ property. David was a great quality client but his existing would not consider this, as he now lived overseas. Hence he contacted Mary O’Brien via the website The result was David in his letter says “Happy Days!!!” Mary refinanced him with a great bank who gave him half a percent rate reduction to his existing fixed rates, gave him legal fees contribution plus a financial dollar gift promotion into his bank account the day after drawdown. He is now NZ househunting with his new preapproval which Mary organised for a further NZ property. “Happy Days for David”:

August 2012

Paul from Melbourne purchased a beautiful 1890s traditional Dunedin House so close to Pacific Ocean for an amazing price and good rent. When he returned to Melbourne he thought at 50% deposit finance and insurance would be no problem He contacted Mary (NZ Mortgage Solutions Sydney) to obtain finance which was approved very quickly, but he quickly learnt the importance of Replacement Insurance for this house. No insurance no mortgage. Never go unconditional with a purchase until finance plus replacement house insurance is approved. After advice from Mary, Paul obtained these approvals. He is so happy with great interest rates, bonuses and flexibility from the NZ bank. He loved the “connection with NZ” and said that he may even “start barracking for NZ in the sporting arena”. Read letter below re insurance and finance plus wonderful purchase location for him!!!

August 2012

Dawn and Marc moved from NZ to Perth a year ago. Marc works in the mining industry and Dawn is a Beautician. They have owned NZ properties for a number of years and wished to restructure and refinance their NZ mortgages for a much better rate and good NZ bank. They also wished to obtain more finance from NZ to bring to Australia as a deposit to purchase an Australian house to live in. It was their first time in years renting a property!! They never thought they could get someone like Mary (NZ Mortgage Solutions Sydney) to do both New Zealand refinance saving them “thousands of dollars per year”, available funds for Australian deposit and also obtain Australian Preapproval. See “happy” letter below

August 2012

Bronwyn (a Doctor and University Lecturer) and Mike (Landscaper) from South Coast NSW visit Mike’s family in the far north of NZ near Hokianga Harbour annually. This year they decided to purchase a large lifestyle property as an investment near Hokianga Harbour and to eventually on retirement live there plus live in Australia. Upon settlement date see the happiness of these clients:

July 2012

Steve and Dee (live in Gladstone Queensland) are originally from Oamaru in South Island and purchased a house there. In the midst of the application Steve had to have spinal surgery, leaving Dee and Mary (NZ Mortgage Solutions) to organise everything. They were a great team, and Mary obtained great interest rate, working in with their NZ solicitor and obtained a nice “legal fee contribution gift” from the bank into their account on settlement. Awesome letter from Steve and Dee

June 2012

Ex Pat Kiwi Shane and his wife Kat live in Sydney with their 3 lovely kids and have owned a Whangarei NZ property for a few years. They contacted Mary from NZ Mortgage Solutions in Sydney via the website.  Their exisitng NZ bank would not lend to nonresidents so they decided refinance their existing NZ mortgage plus borrow alot more through a fantastic bank chosen by clients and Mary together.  This has resulted in them with “financial peace of mind” plus it is amazing to borrow more money and for  Mary to get them a fantastic interest rate plus a generous cash contribution from the bank into their new loan account after drawdown. The amazing result of new loan is lower repayments compared to before.  Happy happy clients. See lovely happy family below:

“Mary, thank you so much for your help in assisting us to refinance. As we were formerly with a NZ bank that did not offer mortgages to NZ non-residents, we didn’t realise we could get finance on a NZ property as Australian residents. We were very relieved to find New Zealand Mortgage Solutions Australia! Our application did not follow conventional requirements, and needed a committed effort on both our parts to meet the requirements of the Bank. We were very impressed with your ability to navigate your way through such a process, and felt you were very supportive in your efforts to get us over the line. You did, thank you, and we are delighted with the outcome. Despite refinancing for a greater amount, our repayments are actually lower than before, and we have “room to move” and financial peace of mind that our situation has been managed in a financially sound manner.

We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you to anyone who needs your services. We hope to be back, but if in the meantime you are over towards the northern beaches, please pop in. We are also enjoying your gift of our towels - a lovely reminder of our very pleasant experience with you :)

With warmest regards,
Kat and Shane Pretty

PS: Shane and I never seem to make it into the same photo! One of us is always holding the camera. Happy for you to use one or both of the pics!!

June 2012

Martyn, a High Profile Professional  who lives in London, purchased a beautiful “water edge” panoramic Sydney North Shore Property after visiting Sydney on holiday.  He returned to London to find that his Australian bank would not lend for construction, hence he found Mary of Downunder Mortgages on the web and they both worked as a great team to provide information to the bank.   Mary obtained approval of ”waterfront” property (not always easy) but not only that she negotiated with the bank for an absolutely fantastic “permanent discount rate” off the variable rate for life of the loan.  After approval Martyn went on holiday ski-ing knee deep in South of France then 1 week before settlement he went to Brazil for holiday and business relaxing on Ipanema Beach while Mary and Australian Solicitor worked together to achieve settlement.  See note below from Martyn


You provided a fantastic service, ‘holding my hand’ all the way AND obtaining a great deal from the bank.

I look forward to meeting you in person in London or Sydney.

Thank you so much for my ‘moving in’ present. It was really thoughtful of you.

Kind regards,

Martyn ski-ing French Alps – knee high snow April during Loan Application and in Rio De Janeiro – sunshine Ipanema Beach holiday May when Loan Approved, and the view from the location.

May 2012

May 2012 - Lee and Henry originally from Edgecumbe near Whakatane NZ live in Sydney and have a daughter back in NZ who found a house close to where Lee and her parents were born and bred.  They contacted Mary from NZ Mortgage Solutions in Sydney via the web for a preapproval from a  great NZ bank.  Mary negotiated with the great bank who were  amazing and generous with legal cash contributions into their bank account after settlement plus amazing low interest rates compared to the bank website. Daughter now lives in house paying the mortgage which is cheaper than rent and gives Lee and Henry the chance to choose where they wish to live when they retire, i.e. Edgecumbe or Sydney.  Happy family.

My daughter found a property that she liked and rang me to look at it online on a Tuesday. The price looked good and after an internet search I found Mary OBrien’s name and gave her a call that evening. I was a ‘greenhorn’ not knowing the first thing about how to get a home loan, home insurance and all those things involved in purchasing a property. From putting an offer in to securing the property was five weeks.

There is no charge for Mary’s service and Mary most definitely knows her stuff. She has been easy to contact before and after the purchase for all my queries.

The property is in Edgecumbe, a small town that my parents actually began their married life and just 10 mins from the town where I grew up. So I was pleased to be buying a property for our daughter and her family to live in this rural town.

I would reccommend Mary to anyone buying a property in New Zealand as her knowledge and support throughout the process was excellent.

Thank you so much Mary.

May 2012

May 2012 - Aumea and Arapeta visit parents in Otaki NZ (near Wellington) and find a beautiful coastal house for sale.  They return to Australia where they live, contact Mary and very quickly get NZ finance approval.  Sydney is unaffordable, but to purchase down road from parents and so close to beach is a dream and a goal to pay off then decide where they would like to live one day.


I know I’ve told you many times, without you we would never have been successful with achieving our dream. You truly are amazing at what you do.

Everything with the house is going so great and has been a complete bliss.

We are very thankful we found you online in which you helped us achieve our dream!!!! Please keep in touch and be safe.

All the best….

Aumea and Arapeta.

April 2012

April 2012 - Napier Future Dream House -Laura who is a British Citizen works in London, visited her family who emmigrated to Napier NZ. Laura and her husband fell in love with their “future dream house” in Napier and one day will live or retire there.  So so happy and all organised between UK and Mary for NZ finance.  See emotional letter below:

“I am a British citizen living and working in London and all of my immediate family have emigrated to New Zealand. After another fabulous Christmas with my family ‘down under’, we started looking at property for sale in Napier, New Zealand when my husband and I returned to the UK after our holiday. We looked Initially out of curiosity, but the more we looked, the more it seemed like it could be a possibility to own a home in NZ….then we fell in love with a house that came on the market that looked like it could be our dream home.

I searched on the internet for advice and assistance with mortgages abroad and I found Mary’s website. I took a chance and emailed her.

She got straight back to me - although it was the middle of the night for her in Australia. Mary talked through my situation and requirements and straight away made me feel that what we wanted to do was totally possible. She explained what I needed to do next and provided me with all the forms & information I could possibly need. I had complete confidence in her, and she regularly contacted me both by email and on the phone which was very encouraging when this was all new to me.

Mary helped with every aspect of the buying process. She guided me through it from start to finish. I felt like I could talk through any concerns with her and she gave me as much advice as she could. In addition to securing me a great mortgage offer she gave me information for accountants & insurance and prompted me to think about every area of owning a house that I would need to know.

Within a few weeks we were finalising the finance offer and I am now the proud owner a house in Napier. We will rent the property for a few years while my husband and I make plans to relocate to NZ, but it is so exciting to know that we have our dream home waiting for us when we get there.

I would totally recommend Mary if considering buying abroad – she takes all the stress and uncertainty away and is really friendly too!

I hope to hook up with her for a coffee when she comes to London soon!!”

April 2012

Anita and Scott live in Sydney and found their dream lifestyle “paradise” block in Canterbury South Island (Anita originally from Canterbury). Read about their dream come true 1 year after settlement and now looking forward to construction of Kiwi dream house

April 2012

John from Perth refinanced his existing NZ house, obtained a loan 3% lower than his exisitng and will “save him $1,000s of dollars over his loan term.” At the same time Mary topped up his existing NZ loan for him to pay off his credit cards and give him some equity towards a deposit for his future Australian property. Read his experience below

March 2012

Refinance Saving 000s dollars for Kevin and Shannon from USA. Kevin and Shannon approached Mary from NZ Mortgage Solutions to see if they could get a much better interest rate, additional borrowing to do great home improvements to their 2 Auckand properties plus were looking for a better personal banking relationship than their 2 exisitng NZ bank and lender. Living overseas is very difficult if you do not have these banking qualities. Mary was able to refinance them with a great bank, amazing reduced interest rates, very good dollar contribution towards legal fees (went into their new bank account day after loandrawdown). Their financial position is much more relaxed, i.e. with cheaper interest rate Kevin and Shannon break even with rental income and can do some great renovation work on their properties - still being better off than previously. Refinance was done all between clients in America, Mary and New Zealand. Great teamwork with everyone (clients, solicitor, Mary and the bank). See below:

February 2012

Kiwis Robyn (Mine Technician) and Ben (Owner Truck Driver) living in Mt Isa Queensland Mines (20 years since left NZ) purchasing farm in Te Kuiti close to where Robyn grew up and to her NZ family now. Emotional experience for both of them. Before they contacted Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions they were told by the banks “no go”. After contacting Mary they obtained approval in 24 hours from a great NZ bank. They will pay off the mortgage innext 5 years then retire there. Very emotional for them. See story below:

January 2012

Kiwi Colleen (teacher) in a small town near Townsville Queensland purchases in Oamaru where her father and sisters live. Lived in Australia 22 years and also purchasing house to pay off now then retire there. Amazing purchase price of house with beautiful seaviews with great rental income. Another challenging experience with house deals falling over cause of building inspection. Colleen and Mary tormented and after 3 months Colleen purchases and on settlement she celebrates with sister at the dream house with champagne!!!! (see photo) Great result.

January 2012

Christine has lived in Sydney for many years. Sydney is so expensive to purchase, so her parents back in Tauranga decided to look for property for her. Mary from NZ Mortgage Solutions organised preapproval for Christine. She helped Christine through many stages while Christine experienced sad very family circumstances at the same time as going through with a purchase and settlement of a house in Katikati. See letter below

December 2011



December 2011

Petula and Dave live in Auckland and were referred to Mary by Dave’s father (who lives in Sydney) to obtain urgent finance to purchase their first New Zealand home to live in. Dave (a Pilot) had alot of fluctuating working hours and both he and Petula were required to obtain a bank approval urgently cause of an auction deadline.

Mary helped them with the great bank, the solicitor (great person), the valuation (organised urgently by Mary) and finally they were able to purchase their dream house unconditionally before Auction. Owners accepted it and cancelled auction. Once approved Mary obtained from the bank fantastic reduced interest rates and a lovely legal cash contribution into their bank account the day after settlement. Again great teamwork (clients, the bank, the valuer, the solicitor and cancellation of auction). Like many other clients, Mary will be visiting them in their new home when she flies to Auckland.

December 2011


November 15, 2011

Maree is a very happy client of Mary O’Brien’s after 19 months of obtaining finance for 3 different Taupo properties and settling the “ideal property” in October 2011. Her Australian friend obtained a mortgage through Mary in 2010 then shifted to Taupo and recommended Mary. See Maree’s letter below on her appreciation to Mary on competitive interest rate, giving Maree very good NZ professionals for legal, foreign currency, insurance and tax for nonresidents living in Australia. Maree and Mary had a “long 19 month journey” and both of them never gave up!!!! Great New Zealand investment , a long term financial plan and a friend living close to her property in Taupo.

October 20, 2011

Lianne and husband Jan (Professionals living in Perth) found their Beautiful Lifestyle Large Block overlooking the water in Tairua Coromandel Peninsula with a dream to build their lifestyle home in 2011. They underwent the approval from the bank then the Government Approval for Foreign Investment. This entailed 8 month teamwork with Mary

October 12, 2011

Belinda and Rob are originally from New Zealand working in Australia. They were First Home Buyers and decided to purchase a nice quality family house in Auckland. Firstly they contacted their NZ bank which did not respond to their call. They then contacted Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions in Sydney who obtained conditional approval from another NZ bank in 24 hours. Within 1 week they flew to Auckland and successfully bid at auction. Everything was a “very smooth ride as first home buyers”. Mary also looked after them recommending good professionals (solicitors) who were “experienced dealing with overseas based clients.” Great example of Kiwis finding it very expensive to purchase in Australia family home and choose Auckland.

September 23, 2011

August 2011 Nigel and Nancy Burge live in the top of Scotland in the Isle of Skye. Their family is in Western Australia and after visiting them in Margaret River (vineyard area) they signed up for a lifestyle block of land in January 2010. They had lots of patience over 21 months awaiting for Title to be available to the lifestock block. Also they obtained Australian Foreign Investment Board Approval as Nonresidents purchasing in Australia. This was straight forward. Mary of Downunder Mortgages obtained a preapproval from a leading Australian bank and she continuously updated the bank their financials, land title updates. It was a long process but the great result is that Nigel and Nancy settled in August 2011 and will visit their family in January 2012 when Mary will help them obtain construction finance for their lifestyle home. Great teamwork dealing with very isolated location in Scotland all the way down to Australia.

August 19, 2011

Bernadette Hunt originally from Auckland and has lived in Sydney for many years. On visiting her Auckland family she decided to invest in Auckland instead of Australia. Auckland was more reasonable, she had family to overlook the property plus she only required a small deposit compared to Sydney. She can choose on her retirement where she wishes to live and never realised how easy it was to purchase in Auckland after all these years!!!r

August 1, 2011

Steven Farrelly and Eleanor Fala live in Melbourne and had their dream come true purchasing a Kiwi “bach” (beachhouse) at Otaki Wellington (1 street from beach). They have parents in Wellington who found Steven and Eleanor the fantastic “bach”. Now they have lifestyle in Melbourne, escape to Bach and seeing Kiwi parents at same time in Wellington - so so happy Read their letter

April 20, 2011


April 2011



My husband & I were thinking about what to do for our future. Working in the building industry, we had decided that investment properties were the way to go.

We had no idea (being New Zealanders, living in Australia) where to buy, so we started looking on the internet in NZ. It just so happened that a cute little townhouse had just been listed, only a couple of days before.

I immediately rang one of the big banks in NZ to find out about loans – if we could get one & how we go about it, got the information together & faxed them. While waiting for an answer from the bank, I happened to stumble across Mary’s website.

I rang Mary, told her our story & she emailed me a checklist straightaway. I faxed the information to her & we had our loan approved within the week. Mary was fabulous; she walked & talked us through the whole thing. The bank, setting up bank accounts, filling out the forms, how to transfer mortgage money over, insurances etc. She kept in touch every couple of days, emailing, ringing & texting until we had secured the property.

2 weeks later the NZ bank emailed me back & needed a deposit of $75000.00 on the townhouse that was listed for $128000.00. That’s not a deposit, that’s over half the house & also, too late! Our loan had already been approved, thanks to Mary & with only a 30% deposit.She was fantastic & worked very hard to make it all happen. I will certainly be calling Mary again when we buy our next investment property & have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone wishing to purchase property.

The real estate agent & solicitor were also impressed on how Mary managed the whole process & how quickly & smoothly things went.My Mum is now living in the townhouse & absolutely loves it. It is a great property & is already worth 20% more than the purchase price.We still keep in touch with Mary & recommend her to everyone we know that are interested in purchasing property.

Thanks Mary!
S & S KingBrisbane, Australia

February 2011


February 2011

January 2011


Brian was very keen to purchase a good investment property in Queenstown with good rental return, beautiful scenic views and good potential retirement choice one day.

The attached letter explains his experience with Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions in Sydney from preapproval to after settlement. Great teamwork from Brian and Mary. Process Brian says in his letter explains everything they experienced from Mary. He is very very happy today with good tenant and a good excuse to inspect the property annually in such a beautiful worldwide location.

Nov 10


After looking for various properties from Christchurch to Auckland Margaret found a great Auckland property and is very happy now. Both Mary of NZ Mortgage Solutions Sydney and Margaret updated the ASB Bank (owned by CBA) regularly and kept the Preapproval going. In November 2010 Margaret, the Bank and Mary celebrated and she is very happy now. Her sister in Auckland will keep an eye on it also.


“I worked with Mary over a 2-year period to discuss, explore and ultimately finalise a property investment in NZ. On all occasions I found Mary to be efficient and responsive to my needs. She was always enthusiastic, helpful and interested to support me in any way she could. This included providing me with relevant information, advice and sharing her contacts in NZ so that I could establish my knowledge base and build my own network of people in NZ who could assist me to achieve my goals. I’ve been very happy with the personalised service provided and would not hesitate in recommending Mary to others. I look forward to working with her again in the future as I seek to build my property portfolio.”



From the time of deciding to move to NZ in January 2010 to settlement in November 2010 Andy, Margot and Mary (NZ Mortgage Solutions Sydney) were a fantastic team working together to achieve a goal of Andy and Margot (and new baby Lachie) shifting into their Queenstown property and living a nice relaxed beautiful lifestyle. See photo from their property in beautiful Queenstown.

FROM ANDY & MARGOT Testimonial in favour of Mary O’Brien and New Zealand Mortgage Solutions Sydney:“In January 2010, we contacted Mary by email to get some information regarding mortgages in New Zealand. Mary rang us immediately. She was happy to answer all questions and was very patient and friendly. She showed real interest in our personal situation and obviously had mountains of experience. She gave fabulous advice about our best options.A few months later, our property in Australia had sold and we were ready to go ahead with the New Zealand mortgage paperwork. Mary was extremely efficient and organised, sending all required forms immediately, with additional checklists. Mary kept in constant contact via phone and email. Nothing was too much trouble. She was always open and friendly and ready for a chat, at the same time as securing us an interest deal that was better than that shown on the bank’s website. In addition, she got us an additional grant for legal costs paid for by the bank, even though this was not on offer. She goes in to bat and gets what she wants for her clients.We never felt stressed at any point during our loan application or settlement. At a time of international relocation, with all its associated upheavals, to have Mary deftly handling everything was a huge weight off our shoulders. You really can’t do any better than securing a loan through Mary. We will always use Mary’s services in the future and will advise all of our friends, both Kiwi and Aussie, to do the same.Thank you Mary from the bottom of our hearts!”




After our son moved back to Auckland NZ in June we started browsing the web for sites which could provide us with information regarding purchasing an investment property in NZ. I came across Mary O’Brien’s site, NZ Mortgage Solutions and made contact with her for further information. Because we were still unsure about the idea of purchasing overseas, Mary recommended that we speak to our accountant here in Australia and also provided us with the names of accountants in NZ which we could contact.

One day in September, while browsing through the real estate website, I noticed it. .. The house we lived in from 2002-2004. It was one week away from the auction date. Mary came to our rescue. I contacted Mary on the Monday and by Friday; we had an unconditional loan offer in our hands. Mary was very efficient during the whole process. She was clear as to what documents we needed and whenever queries arose she sorted it out quickly. We were kept informed on a day to day and at times, hour by hour, basis of progress, by phone and or email. She gave us valuable advice throughout the process.

Although she is in Sydney and we live in Melbourne, it did not make any difference to the standard of service she provided. It was superb. She even contacted us from China the day of the auction to check whether we were successful in purchasing the house.

We want to take this opportunity to thank Mary for making it such a pleasurable event.

Below find a picture of the house and one of us, unfortunately not in front of the house.

Joan and Nigel Cummings
Melbourne, Australia



Terry & Lorraine found their dream home in Tauranga overlooking the water, flew back to Victoria where they lived and decided to look for finance. See their comments below on feedback from Australian banks and finding Mary of New Zealand Mortgage Solutions Sydney on the Web.

DECEMBER 2010 - Today they now have shifted from Victoria to a very relaxed happy lifestyle, keeping in contact with Mary and inviting her to visit them on her holidays to their “dream house” in Tauranga

Terry Gunn and Lorraine Wilson
(Residents in Australia purchased property in Tauranga in 2009)

“We highly recommend Mary O’Brien to anyone in Australia wishing to purchase property in New Zealand. We first saw our Tauranga dream house while we were on holiday in New Zealand but knew nothing of how to go about purchasing a property from Australia. The people we spoke to in our Australian banks were helpful but didn’t seem to know much about the process. After finding Mary O’Brien on the internet we contacted her to see if she could provide us with any information. Mary was very straightforward, explaining the steps we needed to take in a way that was easy for us to understand. We had a hunch that we were in excellent hands and this proved to be the case.Her professionalism and attention to every detail made the whole process a very enjoyable and exciting one. She leaves nothing to chance and this was particularly important in our case where there was another bidder. She was able to get all the approvals and documentation ready very quickly so that we were able to put in a better offer to the vendors and secure the property.We have also benefited from Mary’s knowledge, experience and contacts in related areas. For instance she recommended an excellent lawyer in Tauranga who also played a vital role in securing our Tauranga property whilst ensuring that we had a contract that was a safe and sound. And we now know a lot more about other things such as foreign exchange services and international relocationists.We found Mary to be very approachable and we always felt we could telephone Mary anytime - and she has a lovely personal touch and always does her best to find an answer.”



Guy and Leigh visited the renowned racehorse/rich farming location of Cambridge in NZ and fell in love with a beautiful, exquisite traditional Cambridge house (see photo).

They had no idea that they could organise the NZ mortgage from Australia until they found out about NZ Mortgage Solutions in Sydney. This first home meant so much to them, so Guy, Leigh and Mary from the beginning worked so well together as a fantastic team and they achieved their beautiful dream house. The following reflects their happiness in every way (having recently got married also).

Guy’s and Leigh’s Story of their dreamhouse purchase:We are currently based in Melbourne and were looking at a property in Cambridge New Zealand. Having dealt with mortgage brokers in Australia with limited competence our experience with New Zealand Mortgage Solutions was refreshingly professional and customer-centric.Mary understood the additional uncertainty created by purchasing in a overseas location and provided an extremely professional and communicative style, which was great. The understanding of the New Zealand residential finance market was very comprehensive and we got a great financing arrangement as a result.Highly Recommended.

Guy and Leigh.



Ellen and Daniel are first home owners and have found it impossible to purchase a property in Sydney. Originally from Dunedin, they decided to purchase their first home as an investment property this year in Dunedin. At the same time Ellen was due to have a baby in the timeframe the settlement happened. Fast and great work between the bank, solicitor and New Zealand Mortgage Solutions resulted in a speedy settlement and the lovely baby (Cate) being born 2 weeks later. What a great year. First Home and Baby!!!!!!!!! See Ellen’s & Daniel’s experience below

Hi MaryHope the below is OK. Have attached a couple of photos for you - not the best but to be honest we don’t have any other photos of all four of us! Cate is settling in well, getting chubbier by the day.After many months of searching the Sydney property market for our first home and not succeeding in finding anything remotely within our budget and desired area, we turned our thoughts to buying an investment property in my hometown of Dunedin, New Zealand. With no idea of how to go about securing a loan in New Zealand, my internet search turned up Mary of New Zealand Mortgage Solutions. Mary was extremely helpful and within no time she had helped us secure a loan and our first investment property in Dunedin. Luckily she was as efficient as she was as we managed to settle on our property just two weeks before we welcomed our second child to our family. If it wasn’t for Mary’s help and advice we would probably still be thinking about what a great idea it would be to buy property in New Zealand but not knowing where to start.Thanks again Mary!

Ellen & Daniel


Simon (ex UK) and Stacey (ex NZ) are a young couple who have lived in Sydney for 4 years and purchased a fantastic totally renovated home at Mt Maunganui (close to the beach). Both of them had a great “softhearted” desire to own a nice coastal property back in NZ. Everything went through smoothly and “stress-free” including their first mortgage repayment this month.

Sent: Monday, 12 July 2010 8:30 PM

Dear Mary

With our first payment having gone through and a bit of time in our lives to come up for air, I wanted to drop you a quick line to thank you for all your help over the past few months and for you to lift any quotes and attribute them to me for your website testimonial if you desire.

I have to say you made the entire process of obtaining our first mortgage, for our first home, and in a different country, very easy and stress-free. Your attention to detail, thoughtful yet objective advice and organisation took a lot of the hassle away from us and I was quickly confident we had made a good decision in using your services. Your knowledge of the homebuying idiosyncracies in NZ was also invaluable and stretched beyond what I would expect of a regular mortgage broker.

Thank you very much again and look forward to working with you again in future.

All the best
Simon and Stacey Smith



Hi Mary,

A quick note to thank you for your help in securing our Queenstown property, you certainly made it easy for us, and would have no hesitation in recommending you to anyone who is after there dream home or investment in New Zealand, we will certainly use your services again in the future.

Best regards
Gordon & Robyn McCone

“Update February 2011 after “Happy Clients” Julie and Chris’s visit to Queenstown (8 months after they settled the property)”


Julie and Chris from Australia purchased a lovely Cottage with breathtaking views of Queenstown in June 2010. They obtained a preapproval from a great NZ bank before they flew to Queenstown. After looking at various properties and going through many formalities re the property purchase, they chose the house they loved and envisage great investment rental as well as a great future one day in the house. They have become good friends of Mary after a long trail to settlement.

Hi Mary,

Chris & I wish to thank you very much for your wonderful help to us with getting our lovely cottage in Queenstown.

Its been a long arduous task but you were brilliant. You kept us positive and have been so helpful with New Zealand contacts.

We would not hesitate in recommending you to anyone, and we hope to be using your services again in the not too distant future. You make it so easy to talk to you and you are so interested in all aspects of the purchase. I have come to consider you a friend even though we have never met face to face!

As I said to you the other day “I have never felt so happy to be in debt”!! We love the little cottage and really look forward to spending quality time there.

Once again thank you, and I look forward to when we chat again.

Very best wishes,
Chris & Julie




Dear Mary,

Just want to say : You are marvellous !!

What brilliant service? Nothing was too much for you and you fought for me when I was ready to give up when it seemed to be too hard to continue

God Bless you

Sincere regards


Sent: Wednesday, 31 March 2010 2:36 PM

To: Mary

Dear Mary,

You are a Marvel. I was ready to chuck in the towel and give up. Thank you for your tenacity and never say die attitude




Rhett Williams had been investing in residential properties for about 6 years. He tried purchasing his first property in New Zealand with us that resulted into a very smooth and hassle-free processing. It immediately followed by another purchase in Logan Queensland and having experienced a solid capital growth on both property inspire him to move to the next level and bought 2 more properties. A good teamwork, great communication and bonding was a real good headstart for both the client and me. Leaving him very happy.

Rick and Kaye who purchased their fantastic Queenstown House overlooking the Lake and Mountains as a permanent rental but one day to be their magical holiday/lifestyle escape to New Zealand. Very happy from Preapproval to Settlement November 2009

We would like to put on the record our sincere thanks and appreciation to Mary O’Brien for the excellent mortgage broking service she has provided us in our recent purchase of an investment property in New Zealand.

Having made a decision to purchase a property in the Queenstown area, we did not know where to start in terms of securing finance, transferring funds from Australia, and establishing a bank account in a foreign country. When we contacted Mary she advised us to secure pre-approval of borrowings from a New Zealand bank before visiting the area. Because we hadn’t realised how important this was, we didn’t leave her much time, but nevertheless she arranged it in a matter of days. This turned out to be extremely helpfuI, as when we visited the area we were able to negotiate with agents and vendors with our finance approved. It also made establishment of a New Zealand bank account straightforward.

When we had found the place we wanted to buy she negotiated with the bank on our behalf to get a more favourable interest rate than their advertised rate. As a result of using her services as a mortgage broker there was no loan application fee, and the bank also made a contribution towards our legal purchase fees – something we had not previously encountered. She also advised us about the least cost way of making currency transfers, and generally took a close interest in our purchase process.

How much did we pay her for all this service? Nothing – her return comes directly from the bank, but as far as I can ascertain that hasn’t been passed on to us in terms of higher fees or charges (in fact quite the contrary).

We can honestly say that without Mary’s help it would have been much harder to make our purchase, and we would unreservedly recommend her services to anyone.

Rick and Kaye
Corowa NSW

2 November 2009

Caleb (24) qualified in 2009 for Government First Home Buyers Grant $14,000 for property 1 street from his surf beach in Sydney. Caleb is a client of New Zealand Mortgage Solutions for 4 years.

In 2005 a small Commercial shop in the South Island of New Zealand with his friend which they still have today.

2005 to 2009 assisting him with Lifestyle Block on North Island West Coast New Zealand.

2009 Restructuring/revaluing the NZ mortgage of his lifestyle block to enable him make a deposit to purchase his first home in Sydney Australia

2009 Settlement of his first Australian property 1 street from his surf beach of Cronulla Beach with his deposit from NZ loan, $10,000 savings in Australia and the Australian Government First Home Buyers Grant of $14,000

With a NZ Commercial Mortgage, NZ Lifestyle Block Mortgage and his Unit 1 street from his where is goes surfing at Cronulla Beach Sydney – New Zealand Mortgage Solutions has an extremely happy client.

Sarah and Joe from Sydney who purchased 2 investment properties (1 unit and 1 house) together in May 2009 in Sydney which both give good rental returns and close to where they live. We obtained a fantastic Special Professional Package Discount Package deal at the time from an Australian bank and settled 2 properties at the same time. Many deadlines but we again good teamwork with really nice clients and myself. Very happy clients.

Andrew and Liza from Sydney who purchased a breathtaking Queenstown house overlooking the snowcapped majestic mountains and Lake Wakatipu. Great teamwork between Mary, Real Estate Agent, Valuer, Bank and settlement was within 10 days.

Young New Zealand Couple Purchasing First Australian Property in Tasmania With Deposit and Legal Set Up costs From New Zealand Equity Property

They purchased in Tasmania to live there with beautiful seaviews but could only obtain 70% finance from Australian banks. An Australian bank told their Mortgage Broker about Mary O’Brien from New Zealand Mortgage Solutions/Downunder Mortgages.

Mary from New Zealand Mortgage Mortgage Solutions/Downunder Mortgages brought over the 30% deposit plus stamp duty and set up costs from their New Zealand equity without the clients flying back to New Zealand to obtain finance. Finance was approved in 8 hours. Australian bank, solicitor, real estate agents, vendor and more importantly the clients were very happy with New Zealand Mortgage Solutions/Downunder Mortgages.

Quote: “We think you’re the greatest!!!! We know you pulled out all the stops and have probably sore feet / headaches / stress by now, so we have arranged for you to have a facial beauty therapy. Please look us up in Tasmania, there is a bed anytime. Once again thank you for making it happen, we are so rapt!!!!!!

Rose And Her Brother Building Their New Zealand Equity - 2nd Property No Deposit

Rose and her brother are originally from New Zealand. She currently lives in Sydney and her brother lives in Europe. They purchased a townhouse in Tauranga for their resident mother who decided not to live in the unit. 1 year later their equity increased and Mary from New Zealand Mortgage Solutions obtained 100% finance for a unit with beautiful seaviews in Tauranga. Tenants, mortgage, banks have been fantastic. New Zealand Mortgage Solutions has received many great referrals from their friends.

They are happy to own property in both New Zealand and Australia. Does it sound like we can help you, then why not contact us.

Americans With Ownership Of Clifftop New Zealand Coastal Properties since 2001

These clients are from overseas. Mary from New Zealand Mortgage Solutions met one Director who purchased a seaside property and obtained permanent residency in New Zealand. Her partner also came to live in New Zealand. Today they are very happy as a development company. Mary from New Zealand Mortgage Solutions have had these clients for 8 years. Their comments in their letter are:

“As individuals and as a company seeking financing for residential projects we have had the chance to work with Mary O’Brien on many occasions.”

“We have found her professional, knowledgeable, courteous and most importantly brilliantly reliable. We own and operate companies in New Zealand and the United States. Often our international travel leaves us dependent on professionals like Ms O’Brien, who has delivered on time and as promised.”

They are repeat customers, do you think you could be too? The first step is to contact us.

NZ Clients Over One Decade as a New Zealand Finance Specialist. Neil and Marlene Tonks (NZ Headmaster and Scottish “Midwife”) clients for 10 years now in their beautiful new seaside house in Orewa Auckland.

“We have the best mortgage broker.

We were introduced quite by chance to Mary when my husband and I were looking at building a house. We were unsure if we would be able to obtain the finance for the project and the housing firm recommended Mary to us.

Mary came one evening to our home and I instantly liked her open, friendly personality.

She listened to our dreams and told us nothing was impossible. After entering our details into her computer, she was able to tell us the amount we could borrow. She showed us various different mortgage scenarios so we could make an informed choice.

However we didn’t build the house but felt so confident with Mary that we called her up and invited her to help improve our existing mortgage. She helped us realise the potential in the property we owned by highlighting the potential equity in our land. We just thought we had a big section but she could see that as a stepping stone to another property. What Mary said made sense. So with her encouragement we went house hunting ,found a property and Mary did the rest.

She looked for the best deals and handled all the paperwork. Mary made the application process very easy.

That was 8 years ago and we still keep in touch with Mary. Last year she helped us to buy another home and she did it all from Australia. (We live in New Zealand ). This year we are looking at going back to my birth place in Scotland for a holiday and again we have turned to Mary as we look to top up our existing mortgage. Mary is no longer our mortgage broker but our friend and I would recommend her to anyone.”

David & Karen (Clients Residing in London purchasing in lifestyle property and restaurant in Wanaka)

I would like to thank Mary for all the time and effort she has put in allowing us to complete a tricky purchase in New Zealand. I am from New Zealand and my wife the UK. While on holiday in New Zealand we found a property and fell in love with it. It has a separate restaurant so required both commercial and residential mortgages, but we had no time due to work commitments to follow up financing. So back in the UK and speaking to a few mortgage brokers we finally agreed to go through Mary whom we found on the web. To cut a long story short Mary brought everything together with her tireless effort and communication with all parties involved from the other side of the world. From help with contacts in insurance, accounting and most importantly the banks, with respect though to my accountant and insurance broker etc enabled us to finally settle a good deal. Mary acted over and beyond what we expected in help and advice.

I would not hesitate to recommend Mary to any prospective clients and would like to take this opportunity to thank her once again for all her hard work and wish her the best of luck for the future.

Best Regards
David and Karen

Stan & Allison (New Zealanders residing in Queensland)

Mary Bryant and Sarah Weston (US clients)

Do these people sound like you? We can help, so please contact us.

Get in touch with Mary

Please give as much detail as possible and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Content on this website is general in nature and is not a recommendation, opinion or guidance to any individuals in relation to acquiring or disposing of a financial product. Readers should not rely on this content and should always seek specific financial advice appropriate to their own individual circumstances.

    Mary O’Brien

    New Zealand Financial Adviser
    Financial Services Provider Register No. 43497

    Professional Investments Limited New Zealand
    Financial Services Provider No. 768358

    Trading as New Zealand Mortgage Solutions Limited New Zealand

    Trading as New Zealand Mortgage Solutions Australia

    ABN 42 154 883 672
